Drag and Lift Force



Fluid flow over solid bodies frequently occurs in practice, and it is responsible for numerous physical phenomena. When a fluid flows over a stationary body, a force is exerted by the fluid on the body. Similarly, when a body is moving in a stationary fluid, a force is exerted by the fluid on the body. And these are referred to as external flow. Some of the examples of the fluids flowing over stationary bodies or bodies moving in a stationary fluid are:

1.flow of air over buildings

2.the drag force acting on automobiles, power lines, trees, and underwater pipelines

3.the lift developed by airplane wings

4.flow of water over bridges

Force Exerted by a flowing fluid on a stationary body

A body meets some resistance when it is forced to move through a fluid, especially a liquid. This Fluid will exert a force on the body.


This figure shows Force on a stationary body.

The total force (Fr) exerted by the fluid on the body is perpendicular to the surface of the body. Thus, the total force is inclined to the direction of motion. The force can be resolved in two components, one in the direction of motion and the other perpendiculars to the direction of motion.

1.      DRAG: The force exerted by the fluid in direction of motion is known as a Drag force. In this figure (Fd) represents Drag force. Drag is usually an undesirable effect, like friction, and we do our best to minimize it. But in some case drag produces a very beneficial effect and we try to maximize it (e.g., automobile brakes)

2.      LIFT: The component of the total force in a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion is Lift. It is represented by (Fl). Lift only occurs when the axis of the body is inclined to the direction of fluid flow. If the axis of the body is parallel to the direction of fluid flow, the lift force is zero

Drag and lift expressions:

Lift is created by the flow of air over an airfoil. The shape of an airfoil causes air to flow faster on top than on bottom. The fast flowing air decreases the surrounding air pressure. Because the air pressure is greater below the airfoil than above, a resulting lift force is created. To further understand how an airfoil creates lift, it is necessary to use two important equations of physical science. The pressure variations of flowing air is best represented by Bernoulli's equation.

To understand this equation, one must first understand another important principle of physical science, the continuity equation. It simply states that in any given flow, the density (ρ) times the cross-sectional area (A) of the flow, times the velocity (V) is constant. The continuity equation is written as:

ρAV = Constant

The shape of a typical airfoil is asymmetrical - its surface area is greater on the top than on the bottom. As the air flows over the airfoil, it is displaced more by the top surface than the bottom. According to the continuity law, this displacement, or loss of flow area, must lead to an increase in velocity. Consider an airfoil in a pipe with flowing water. Water will flow faster in a narrow section of the pipe. The large area of the top surface of the airfoil narrows the pipe more than the bottom surface does. Thus, water will flow faster on top than on bottom. The flow velocity is increased some by the bottom airfoil surface, but considerably less than the flow on top. The Bernoulli equation states that an increase in velocity leads to decrease in pressure. Thus higher the velocity of the flow, lower the pressure. Air flowing over an airfoil will decrease in pressure. The pressure loss over the top surface is greater than that of the bottom surface. The result is a net pressure force in the upward (positive) direction. This pressure force is lift. There is no predetermined shape for a wing airfoil, it is designed based on the function of the aircraft it will be used for. To aid the design process, engineers use the lift coefficient to measure the amount of lift obtained from a particular airfoil shape. Lift is proportional to dynamic pressure and wing area. The lift equation is written as:

Like lift, drag is proportional to dynamic pressure and the area on which it acts. The drag coefficient, analogous to the lift coefficient, is a measure of the amount of dynamic pressure gets converted into drag. Unlike the lift coefficient however, engineers usually design the drag coefficient to be as low as possible. Low drag coefficients are desirable because an aircraft's efficiency increases as drag decreases.

Frictional drag and pressure drag:

A body moving through fluid experiences a drag force, which is usually divided into two components: frictional drag and pressure drag. Frictional drag comes from friction between the fluid and the surfaces over which it is flowing. This friction is associated with the development of boundary layers and it scales with the Reynolds number. Pressure drag comes from the eddying motions that are set up in the fluid by the passage of the body. This drag is associated with the formation of awake and it is usually less sensitive to Reynolds number than frictional drag.

Drag on spheres:

Stokes obtained the solution for the pressure and velocity field for the slow motion of a viscous fluid past a sphere. In his analysis, Stokes neglected the inertia terms of Navier-Stokes equations. Avoiding details, integrating the pressure distribution and the shearing stress over the the surface of a sphere of radius R, Stokes found that the drag of the sphere, which is placed in a parallel stream of uniform velocity is given by

This is Stokes' equation for the drag of a sphere. It can be shown that one-third of the total drag is due to pressure distribution and the remaining two-third arises from frictional forces. If the drag coefficient is defined according to the relation.

where is the frontal area of the sphere, then


Drag of a sphere:

The aerodynamic drag on an object depends on several factors, including the shape, size, inclination, and flow conditions. All of these factors are related to the value of the drag through the drag equation.

                                           D = Cd * .5 * rho * V^2 * A

Where D is equal to the drag, rho is the air density, V is the velocity, A is a reference area, and Cd is the drag coefficient.


A drag coefficient is a dimensionless number that characterizes all of the complex factors that affect drag. The drag coefficient is usually determined experimentally using a model in a wind tunnel. In the tunnel, the velocity, density, and size of the model are known. Measuring the drag then determines the value of the drag coefficient as given by the above equation. The drag coefficient and the drag equation can then be used to determine the drag on a similarly shaped object at different flow conditions as long as several flow similarity parameters are matched. In particular, Mach number similarity ensures that the compressibility effects are correctly modeled, and Reynolds numbers similarity ensures that the viscous effect is correctly modeled. The Reynolds number is the ratio of the inertia forces to the viscous forces and is given by:


                                           Re = V * rho * l / mu     

where l is a reference length, and mu is the viscosity coefficient. For most aerodynamic objects, the drag coefficient has a nearly constant value across a large range of Reynolds numbers.


But for a simple sphere, the value of the drag coefficient varies widely with the Reynolds number. To understand these variations, we are going to look in some detail at the flow past a cylinder. The two-dimensional flow past a cylinder is very similar to the three-dimensional flow past a sphere but is a little easier to compute and understand because of the reduced dimensionality.

In all of the cases presented on this figure, the density, viscosity, and diameter of the ball are the same. The flow velocity is gradually increased from the left to increase the Reynolds number.


1. Case 1 shows very slow flow in which we have neglected viscosity entirely. We have an ideal flow with no boundary level along the surface, completely attached flow and no viscous wake downstream of the cylinder. Because the flow is symmetric from upstream to downstream.Neglecting viscosity simplifies the analysis, but this type of flow does not occur in nature where there is always some small amount of viscosity present in any fluid.


2. Case 2 illustrates what actually occurs for low velocity. A stable pair of vortices are formed on the downwind side of the cylinder. The flow is separated but steady and the vortices generate a high drag on the cylinder or sphere.


3.Case 3 shows the flow as velocity is increased. The downstream vortices become unstable, separate from the body, and are alternately shed downstream. The wake is very wide and generates a large amount of drag. The alternate shedding is called the Karman vortex street. This type of flow is periodic, it is unsteady but repeats itself at some time interval. The pressure variation associated with the velocity changes produces a sound called an aeolian tone. This is the sound you hear when the wind blows over high-power wires or past tree limbs in the fall or winter. It is a low frequency, haunting tone.


4.Case 4 shows the flow as the velocity is increased even more. The periodic flow breaks down into a chaotic wake. The flow in the boundary layer on the windward side of the cylinder is laminar and orderly and the chaotic wake is initiated as the flow turns onto the leeward side of the cylinder. The wake is not quite as wide as for Case 3, so the drag is slightly less.


5. Case 5 shows the flow at even higher velocity. The boundary layer transitions to chaotic turbulent flow with vortices of many different scales being shed in a turbulent wake from the body. The separation point is initially slightly downstream from the laminar separation point, so the wake is initially slightly smaller and the drag is less than the corresponding laminar drag. Increasing velocity eventually brings the turbulent drag up to and even higher than the laminar drag value, but there is a range of Reynolds numbers, during the transition from laminar to full turbulent, for which the turbulent drag is less than the laminar drag.



But since drag depends on the flow in the boundary layer, we can expect some changes with surface roughness. It is observed experimentally that a roughened cylinder or ball will transition to turbulent flow at a lower Reynolds number than a smooth cylinder or ball. The size and speed of a golf ball fall within this Reynolds number range. That is why a golf ball has dimples; the roughened surface causes a transition to turbulence that would not occur yet on a smooth golf ball. The lower drag on the dimpled golf ball allows the ball to fly farther than a smooth ball of the same speed, diameter, and weight.

Terminal velocity:

An object which is falling through the atmosphere is subjected to two external forces. One force is the gravitational force, expressed as the weight of the object. The other force is the air resistance or drag of the object. If the mass of an object remains constant, the motion of the object can be described by Newton's second law of motion, force F equals mass m times acceleration a:

F = m * a

which can be solved for the acceleration of the object in terms of the net external force and the mass of the object:

a = F / m

Weight and drag are forces which are vector quantities. The net external force F is then equal to the difference of the weight W and the drag D

F = W - D

The acceleration of a falling object then becomes:

a = (W - D) / m

The magnitude of the drag is given by the drag equation. Drag D depends on a drag coefficient Cd, the atmospheric density r, the square of the air velocity V, and some reference area A of the object.

D = Cd * r * V ^2 * A / 2

Drag increases with the square of the speed. So as an object falls, we quickly reach conditions where the drag becomes equal to the weight if the weight is small. When drag is equal to the weight, there is no net external force on the object and the vertical acceleration goes to zero. With no acceleration, the object falls at a constant velocity as described by Newton's first law of motion. The constant vertical velocity is called the terminal velocity.

                                                                D = W

Cd * r * V ^2 * A / 2 = W

V = sqrt ( (2 * W) / (Cd * r * A)


By this we can find the terminal velocity of object.

The chemistry of the atmosphere and the gravitational constant of a planet affects the terminal velocity.


When a body is placed in a fluid in such a way that its access is parallel to the direction of fluid flow and the body is symmetrical, the resultant force acting on the body will be in the direction of the flow. There is no force component on the body perpendicular to the direction of flow. But as we know that the component of force that is perpendicular to the direction of flow is known as lift. But in this case lift will be 0.

Therefore, lift will be acting on the body when the axis of the symmetrical body is inclined to the direction of the flow or when the body is unsymmetrical. In this case of circular cylinder, the body is symmetrical and the axis is parallel to the direction of the flow when cylinder is stationary and hence the lift will be ZERO. But if the cylinder is rotated, the axis of the cylinder is no longer parallel to the direction of flow and hence there will be lift acting on the rotating cylinder.

·      Flow of ideal fluid over a stationary cylinder:

 Now if we consider the flow of an ideal fluid over a stationary cylinder.


As you can see from the figure above that the velocity distribution over the upper half and the lower half of the cylinder from the axis AB of the cylinder are identical therefore the pressure distributions will also be same. Hence the lift that will be acting on the cylinder will be 0.

·      Flow Pattern around the cylinder when a constant circulation is imparted to the cylinder:

Circulation is defined as the flow along a closed curve. Circulation is obtained if the product of the velocity component along the curve at any point and the length of the small element containing that point is integrated around the curve.

Circulation for the flow field in a free-vortex :

The figure below shows the flow pattern for a free vertex flow consists of streamlines which are a series of concentric circles.

In case of free vortex flow, the stream velocity at any point on a circle of radius is equal to the tangential velocity or at that point please stop this means that angle between the streamlines and tangent on the stream is 0.

·      Flow over Cylinder due to Constant Circulation:

This figure represents the flow pattern over a rotating cylinder.

For the upper half portion of the cylinder, θ varies from 0 ° to 180°. But for the lower half portion of this cylinder, θ varies from 180 ° to 360 °.This means that the velocity on the upper half portion will be more than the lower half portion of the cylinder. But from Bernoulli’s theorem, we know that at a surface where velocity is less, pressure will be more over there. So due to the pressure difference between the two portions of cylinder, a force will be acting on the cylinder in a direction perpendicular to the direction of flow. This force is known as lift force.

·      Drag Force acting on rotating cylinder:

From the figure above, we can see that the resultant flow pattern is symmetrical about the vertical axis of the cylinder. Therefore, the velocity distribution and pressure distribution is symmetrical about vertical axis and hence there will be no drag on the cylinder.

·      Magnus Effect:

When a cylinder is rotated in a uniform flow, a lift force is produced on the cylinder. This phenomenon of the lift force produced by rotating cylinder in uniform flow is known as Magnus Effect. This fact was investigated by German Physicist H.G. Magnus. Hence the name is given as Magnus Effect.

The planar incompressible potential flow past a spinning cylinder (radius = R) is constructed by superposition of the velocity potentials for (a) a uniform stream, φ = Ux (b) a doublet, φ = UR2 cos θ/r at the center of the cylinder and (c) a potential vortex with circulation, Γ, such that φ = Γθ/2π.

Here the circulation, Γ, is defined as positive in the anticlockwise direction. This simulates the flow due to anticlockwise rotation of the cylinder and we will proceed to find the velocity and pressure on the surface of the cylinder as a function of angular position, θ, and subsequently, the lift force, L, acting on the cylinder. The incompressible planar potential flow past a spinning cylinder (radius = R) in a uniform stream of velocity, U, in the positive x direction is given by the velocity potential:

where r, θ are polar coordinates in which θ = 0 corresponds to the positive x direction and Γ is the circulation defined as positive in the anticlockwise direction. It follows that the velocities, ur and uθ in the r and θ directions, are given by

Consequently the velocities on the surface of the cylinder are (ur)r=R = 0

To find the pressure on the surface, (p)r=R, we now use Bernoulli’s theorem to obtain

where p∞ is the pressure in the uniform stream. Integrating this pressure over the surface in order to obtain the drag, the result for the drag is zero as expected from D’Alembert’s paradox. Integrating the pressure over the surface in order to obtain the lift, L, per unit depth normal to the planar flow,

Which leads to

     L = −ρUΓ

This is called the Magnus effect. The lift is due to the fact that the cylinder rotation in the anticlockwise direction decreases the surface velocity on the upper side and increases the velocity on the lower side. By Bernoulli’s equation, this increases the pressure on the upper side and decreases the pressure on the lower side thus causing the negative lift on the cylinder. This effect also occurs with three-dimensional objects such as spheres and is particularly evident in the flight of a well-struck golf ball.


Flight is a phenomenon that has long been a part of the natural world. Birds fly not only by flapping their wings, but by gliding with their wings outstretched for long distances. Smoke, which is composed of tiny particles, can rise thousands of feet into the air. Both these types of flight are possible because of the principles of physical science. Likewise, man-made aircraft rely on these principles to overcome the force of gravity and achieve flight. Lighter-than-air craft, such as the hot air balloon, work on a buoyancy principle. They float on air much like rafts float on water. The density of a raft is less than that of water, so it floats. Although the density of water is constant, the density of air decreases with altitude. The density of hot air inside a balloon is less than that of the air at sea level, so the balloon rises. It will continue to rise until the air outside of the balloon is of the same density as the air inside. Smoke particles rise on a plume of hot air being generated by a fire. When the air cools, the particles fall back to Earth. Heavier-than-air flight is made possible by a careful balance of four physical forcesliftdragweight, and thrust. For flight, an aircraft's lift must balance its weight, and its thrust must exceed its drag. A plane uses its wings for lift and its engines for thrust. Drag is reduced by a plane's smooth shape and its weight is controlled by the materials it is constructed of. In order for an aircraft to rise into the air, a force must be created that equals or exceeds the force of gravity. This force is called lift. In heavier-than-air craft, lift is created by the flow of air over an airfoil. The shape of an airfoil causes air to flow faster on top than on bottom. The fast flowing air decreases the surrounding air pressure. Because the air pressure is greater below the airfoil than above, a resulting lift force is created. The wings provide lift by creating a situation where the pressure above the wing is lower than the pressure below the wing. Since the pressure below the wing is higher than the pressure above the wing, there is a net force upwards. 

To create this pressure difference, the surface of the wing must satisfy one or both of the following conditions. The wing surface must be:

      1. Cambered (curved); and/or

  1. Inclined relative to the airflow direction.

Viscosity is essential in generating lift. The effects of viscosity lead to the formation of the starting vortex , which, in turn is responsible for producing the proper conditions for lift. The starting vortex rotates in a counter-clockwise direction. To satisfy the conservation of angular momentum, there must be an equivalent motion to oppose the vortex movement. This takes the form of circulation around the wing. The velocity vectors from this counter circulation add to the free flow velocity vectors, thus resulting in a higher velocity above the wing and a lower velocity below the wing.

The following presents two of several ways to show that there is a lower pressure above the wing than below.

One method is with the Bernoulli Equation, which shows that because the velocity of the fluid below the wing is lower than the velocity of the fluid above the wing, the pressure below the wing is higher than the pressure above the wing.

A second approach uses Euler's Equations (which the Bernoulli equation is derived from) across the streamlines. Due to the curvature of the wing, the higher velocities and acceleration over the top of the wing requires a pressure above the wing lower than the ambient pressure.Thus, using either of the two methods, it is shown that the pressure below the wing is higher than the pressure above the wing. This pressure difference results in an upward lifting force on the wing, allowing the airplane to fly in the air. Unfortunately Bernoulli's Principle does not explain how an aeroplane can fly upside down. Nor does it explain how aircraft and other structures with flat plate wings or even kites and paper aeroplanes can fly or remain airborne. This is where Newton's Laws come to the rescue. Isaac Newton did not propose a theory of flight but he did provide Newton's Laws of Motion the physical laws which can be used to explain aerodynamic lift.

Newton's Second Law states that:

The force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration or equivalently to its rate of change of momentum. In this case, since momentum is a vector quantity, the change in direction of the airflow around the wing must be associated with a force on the volume of air involved.

Newton's Third Laws states that:

To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.This means that the force of the aerofoil pushing the air downwards, creating the downwash, is accompanied by an equal and opposite force from the air pushing the aerofoil upwards and hence providing the aerodynamic lift.It is thus the turning of the air flow which creates the lift. Aircraft are kept in the air by the forward thrust of the wings or aerofoils, through the air. The thrust driving the wing forward is provided by an external source, in this case by propellers or jet engines.The result of the movement of the wing through stationary air is a lift force perpendicular to the motion of the wing, which is greater than the downwards gravitational force on the wing and so keeps the aircraft airborne. There is no predetermined shape for a wing airfoil, it is designed based on the function of the aircraft it will be used for. To aid the design process, engineers use the lift coefficient to measure the amount of lift obtained from a particular airfoil shape. Lift is proportional to dynamic pressure and wing area. The lift equation is written as: where S is wing area and the quantity in parantheses is the dynamic pressure. In designing an aircraft wing, it is usually advantageous to get the lift coefficient as high as possible.The lift is accompanied by drag which represents the air resistance against the wing as it forces its way through the air. The drag is dependent on the effective area of the wing facing directly into the airflow as well as the shape of the aerofoil. Like lift, drag is proportional to dynamic pressure and the area on which it acts. The drag coefficient, analgous to the lift coefficent, is a measure of the amount of dynamic pressure gets converted into drag. Unlike the lift coefficient however, engineers usually design the drag coefficient to be as low as possible. Low drag coefficients are desirable because an aircraft's efficiency increases as drag decreases. The magnitudes of the lift and drag are dependent on the angle of attack between the direction of the motion of the wing through the air and the chord line of the wing.




